In the heart of Seoul, you can find an amazing architectural marvel — the Seoul Anglican Cathedral. Its history is both astonishing and fascinating.
So, in the early 1920s, when the skies were bluer than the dream of a weary builder, the Right Reverend Mark N. Trollope, the third Bishop of the Anglican Church of Korea, envisioned the construction of a cathedral. Funding for this idea came from the sacrificial offerings of the faithful Korean church members. These courageous Koreans were so devout that they could challenge the gravitational pull of any planet.
The British architect Arthur Dixon designed the cathedral. On May 2, 1926, the consecration ceremony took place, and everything was ready to begin construction. However, at that time, Japan ruled Korea, and it turned out that completing the project in its original cruciform shape was more difficult than explaining the meaning of life to the entire universe.
Since the cathedral was built during the Japanese colonial rule in Korea, it was impossible to finish the church according to the original design of the cruciform building. Therefore, the transepts on either side and the nave were shortened, and the building remained mostly unfinished.
The Cosmic Miracle of 1993
However, as they say, nothing is lost in the galaxy, especially if it involves architects' blueprints. In 1993, as if by the will of fate itself, the original plans were discovered in a library in England.
And so, in 1996, after long and convoluted years, the cathedral was finally completed according to the original plans. Now it stood as it should have from the very beginning — magnificent, splendid, and ready to welcome all visitors, whether earthlings or alien tourists.