Korea Electronic Travel Authorization
From July 3, 2023, not required for persons up to 17 years inclusive and 65 years and older; valid for up to 3 years (multiple entries allowed)
KETA is usually ready within a few hours. You can check the status and, if ready, download the confirmation form at this link: https://www.k-eta.go.kr/portal/apply/viewapplysearch.do
The order date can be set to the current date.
Attention: Any changes made after the application has been submitted and the invoice issued will incur the full service cost again.
Please attach at checkout (check-out) in jpg, png, or pdf format:
- Scan of the passport (photo page; no need for the full spread)
- Photo (passport-like, preferably under 100 kb, less than 700 pixels horizontally and vertically)
No OTHER documents need to be attached!
All answers are needed ONLY to the following questions, preferably in this order (you can simply enter them in the "note" field at the checkout stage, or also attach them in pdf, jpg format):
- Do you hold any citizenship other than the one stated in your passport? If yes - specify the country.
- Your mobile phone number
- Have you been to Korea before?
- Purpose of visit:
- Tourism (individually or as part of a tour group; if a group: name of the tour company and phone number)
- Visit
- Business
- Medical
- Meeting (conference, congress, etc.)
- Event, festival
- Game, competition
- Other (specify)
- Address where you will be staying in Korea (preferably with postal code) - in English or Korean
- Phone number where you can be reached in Korea (e.g., hotel)
- Category of your occupation:
- Unemployed
- Self-employed
- Agriculture
- Office
- Government employee
- Student
- Housewife
- Other (specify)
- Have you suffered from the following diseases: cholera, plague, yellow fever, SARS, animal flu, new flu, MERS, Ebola, tuberculosis, Marburg fever, Lassa fever, Crimean/Congo hemorrhagic fever, smallpox, diphtheria, new infections. If yes, describe in detail.
- Have you been arrested or imprisoned; if yes, specify: country, city, period of imprisonment, crime or violation, fine (in USD), probation (if any)
- If the country and place of birth are not stated in the passport - specify
- Planned period of stay in Korea (approximate dates can be provided)
- Do you have acquaintances in Korea? If yes: name in English and phone number
- Do you have any accompanying persons? If yes, specify:
- Nationality (country) of the companion
- Full name (as in the passport, in English)
- Date of birth
- Your relationship: family, relative, friend, acquaintance, business, tour group member, other
- How many times have you been abroad (excluding Korea)?
- Are you currently employed? If yes, specify:
- Name of the employer (preferably in English)
- Phone number
- Income in USD